Check Hay Quality



Quality of hay is key for a sound winter feeding program.  Different kinds of livestock have different nutritional requirements, and that is where hay quality enters the picture.  Feeding low quality hay, free choice, to livestock may not be the complete answer.  An additional protein supplement may be needed to maintain livestock condition.  For example, cows with young calves have higher nutritional requirements than dry cows.  So it is all the more important to have a  knowledge of quality of hay being fed. A forage test is the best way to determine the quality of hay and what supplements, if any, will be needed to meet nutritional requirements of livestock consuming the hay.  Producers can mail forage samples to the Texas AgriLife Extension Service Forage Testing Laboratory at Texas A&M and get results within a week. Forage tests include protein, fiber and mineral analysis, with charges based on the number of specific tests requested.A few dollars invested in forage tests can mean savings in several ways.  First, it can be the savings in amounts of supplements fed each day and the cost of those supplements.  But the greatest savings could be in livestock weights.  For example, livestock consuming low quality hay could lose weight and value during the winter months.  Excessive weight loss can also decrease conception rates and effect overall herd health.Information sheets and guidelines for collecting forage samples and interpreting analyses are available at the Wheeler Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office at the Wheeler Co Ag and Family Life Center.  So take a few minutes now to collect a hay sample and get it tested.  It could make a big difference in your livestock feeding program this winter.  If you have any questions or need further clarification, call Dale Dunlap, County Extension Agent-AG/NR, at 806-826-5243.



Educational programs conducted by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all citizens without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin.  Reference to commercial or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service is implied.


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