Mosquito Control Around the Home

Mosquito Control Around the Home

Recent rains have been absolutely wonderful, but the puddles and wet areas around homes, barns, and low lying areas have created  excellent breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes not only irritate and annoy people, but they also can transmit many disease-causing organisms to humans and animals.  They spread such diseases as encephalitis, dengue, yellow fever, malaria, filariasis, and West Nile virus.  Mosquitoes are also responsible for transmitting heartworm in dogs. To control mosquitoes effectively around the home, it helps to know about their life cycle.  There are different control strategies for different life-cycle stages.  Mosquitoes have four (4) distinct stages during their life cycle:  egg, larva, pupa and adult.  They can complete this life cycle in as little as 8-10 days depending on food availability, weather conditions and the species of mosquito.

Egg Stage:  Mosquito eggs may be laid individually or in clusters on the surface of water or individually in dry locations that are subject to periodic flooding.  Some mosquito eggs can remain dormant in dry conditions for many months.

Larva Stage:  Mosquito eggs hatch into larvae called wigglers, which are seldom more than ½ inch long.  Wigglers live in the water.  Most of them feed on microscopic plants, animals and organic debris suspended in the water.

Pupa Stage:  Mosquito pupae does not feed.  They spend most of their time at the water surface and tend to move only when disturbed.

Adult Stage:  Unlike the other stages, adult mosquitoes live on land and are winged.  The males feed only on nectar, plant juices and other sources of liquid carbohydrates.  Female mosquitoes also feed periodically on nectar, plant sap and other sources of plant carbohydrates for energy.  However, females of most mosquitoes species require a blood meal as a source of protein before they produce eggs.  Adult mosquitoes typically live for about a week to a month, but this can vary, depending on a number of environmental factors.  Some adult mosquitoes seldom travel more than 200 yards from the breeding sites; other species can travel for more than a mile.  This ability to travel long distances can create problems in management.  Here are some ways to alleviate mosquito problems around your home:

Eliminate breeding sites for larvae:  Reduce standing water that provides breeding sites.  Eliminate containers such as old tires, buckets, cans and bottles that collect and hold rainwater and become good breeding sites for mosquitoes.  Drain water from flower pots, bird baths, rain gutters, rain barrels, pet dishes, livestock watering troughs, etc. at least once a week.  Empty your plastic wading pool weekly and store it indoors when not in use.  Fill holes or depressions in trees with sand or mortar, or drain them after each rain by drilling holes into the tree.  Repair leaky pipes and outside faucets

Reduce adult mosquito populations:  Mow tall grass or reduce the amount of brush and other foliage in your area to reduce the resting sites for adult mosquitoes.  For temporary relief in yards or high traffic areas, use fog treatments or surface treatments of insecticides that are labeled for that use and apply them following directions on the product label.

Avoid contact with mosquitoes:  Use screening in your homes.  Wear long, loose-fitting clothing to avoid mosquito bites.  Use repellents whenever in a mosquito infested location.  Products that contain DEET have been shown to be the most reliable repellents.  For short-term relief in outdoor areas such as patios and picnic areas, use citronella candles or punks as a deterrent.  Protect your pets with drugs that eliminate heartworm.

Treat larval breeding sites:  Use mosquito fish or other fish species in permanent bodies of water whenever the water will support them.  Mosquito fish can be found in other ponds, pet shops or bait stores.  Use Bacillus thuringienses israeliensis  products such as Mosquito Dunks to treat permanent water bodies to eliminate larvae.  You can use oil treatments  on the surface of standing water to kill larvae.  Be aware that other organisms in the water body may be affected by the treatment.

To achieve effective long-term mosquito control, you need to use several management techniques.  Mosquito control is often complex and can be expensive.

For more information contact County Extension Agent Dale Dunlap at 806-826-5243.  The information given herein is for educational purposes only.  Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by  Texas AgriLife Extension Service is implied.





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